

Yuhee Lee

  • Position

    Associate Professor

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  • Yuhee Lee, Associate Professor of Korean-French Interpretation at the Graduate School of Translation and Interpretation, is an acclaimed conference interpreter of Korean, English, and French, with 25 years of experience. She received her B.A. in Business Administration from Yonsei University. She earned her Conference Interpreting Degree from L''Ecole Supérieure d''Interprètes et de Traducteurs (ESIT) de l’Université Sorbonne Nouvelle (Paris 3) after receiving her M.A. from the Graduate School of Interpretation and Translation at Hankuk University of Foreign Studies. 
    She has interpreted at more than 2,500 international conferences over 25 years. She served as the chief interpreter for the Korean/English teams during the 3rd ASEM Summit 2000 held in Seoul, which was the first international conference held in Korea to require simultaneous interpretation in as many as 16 languages. 
    She also has 15 years of interpreting expertise in medical conferences. Currently she is preparing a medical glossary, which she hopes would help interpreters and translators build their terminologies and knowledge in the medical field.