
Department of Interpreting & Translation


The demand for interpretation has risen significantly in both the domestic and global markets as international exchange increases due to globalization. Currently, interpreters are needed in more diverse areas, including negotiations, education, international lawsuits, business/technology innovation projects, press conferences, broadcasting, investment seminars and investor meetings, as well as at international conferences and symposiums, where demand for interpretation has traditionally been high.

To meet the requirements of today’s diversified interpretation market, Ewha GSTI provides interpretation education in English, French, Chinese and Japanese. The faculty consists of established professionals who are active and widely recognized in the field, and have on average more than 1,000 days of conference interpretation on their resumes. They teach the best interpretation techniques to GSTI students, based on their extensive experience and cutting-edge expertise in each field, with the goal of enabling students to fulfill their true potential.

After completing the two-year curriculum, graduates with master’s degrees begin to work as freelance international conference interpreters or as full-time interpreters on a contract basis at leading Korean companies, international corporations, business and trade organizations, research institutes, governmental agencies and foreign embassies.


Translation is similar to interpretation in that both are tools for communicating between different languages. However, unlike interpretation, translation must meet stricter standards, such as more exact and accurate expressions, and does not have to facilitate communication on the spot. Based on the awareness of these differing standards, the department of translation is dedicated to fostering translators who can handle specialized material in a wide range of subjects and disciplines.

To become professional translators, students must acquire strong understanding and command of Korean and the target language, while being equipped with excellent translation strategies and extensive background knowledge. Organized to fulfill this objective, the Ewha GSTI curriculum covers a diverse range of specialized subjects, including business, technology, media and literature. No other translation training course in Korea is so diverse and specialized. Moreover, the faculty consists of renowned, experienced and prolific professionals who have translated dozens to hundreds of films and books into both Korean and foreign languages. They are also active in translation research based on their expertise in the field.

All of Ewha GSTI’s translation graduates currently work for government agencies, specialized translation organizations and publishers, or as freelancers contributing to international exchange and mutual understanding with other countries.